E-matching is the most commonly used technique to handle quantifiers in SMT solvers. It works by identifying characteristic sub-expressions of quantified formulae, named triggers, which are matched during proof search on ground terms to discover relevant instantiations of the quantified formula. E-matching has proven to be an efficient and practical approach to handle quantifiers, in particular because triggers can be provided by the user to guide proof search; however, as it is heuristic in nature, e-matching alone is typically insufficient to establish a complete proof procedure. In contrast, free variable methods in tableau-like calculi are more robust and give rise to complete procedures, e.g., for first-order logic, but are not comparable to e-matching in terms of scalability. This paper discusses how e-matching can be combined with free variable approaches, leading to calculi that enjoy similar completeness properties as pure free variable procedures, but in which it is still possible for a user to provide domain-specific triggers to improve performance.